Riley grew sugar crystals for her 4th grade science project.

We had little snow and the kids went out and played with their dad.

Preston and Riley were doing homework and Pyper wanted to join in.

My sister Emily and her baby Kessra came over for a visit.
This is my sister Laura's little girl Rowen. She and Pyper showed up at my sister Sarah's house wearing the same outfit my mom had given to them. They look so darn cute. They both like to get in to trouble.

Thanksgiving dinner
Campbell, Shane,Riley, Rowen, Sam, & Preston

Jamie, Sarah, Laura,Maryann, Jon & Darren

Pyer stole another unneeded bath.
My family started Festivus many years ago. It is always a fun time.

We got Dillon the Mentos and soda kit to try out.

Rowen and Pyper were playing together out side. Man, they are so cute!

Sarah got all of the kids a babysitter and the moms and dads went out to The Bone Fish for dinner. It was yummy. We came home and had a bon fire in Sarah's backyard. We all put on black shirts to go out. Fun times!
You guys all look so good. I haven't seen a lot of you in years!
Wow - I think Rowan and Pyper look sooo much alike! With them standing together, I don't see any of Jon in her!
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