I took a bunch of pictures of me while I was pregnant with Pyper. This time around I think I notice the flubber a bit more and don't feel quite as glamorous. But, I thought I better take a couple. So, here is what I look like today. Less then two weeks before she is here!
They say black is slimming... not sure it helps here?
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Just an update on the Baby Girl of the Belly
I only have 11 days until her due date. We have no name for this girl! Jon and I just can't agree on one. This is a picture of an ultra sound done back at the end of March. I've been measuring a bit small so she has had a couple of extra ultra sounds done. All is well. This pregnancy has been harder then the one with Pyper because I have had cold/cough on top of cold/cough. No energy, no joke! As soon as the morning sickness left me back in January this virus came on and has stayed with me all of this time. It's almost over! Back to this picture below, it is a shot of her head. You can see the hair sticking up! Will she have hair like Pyper and Riley did when they were born? Can't wait to see her!
Easter Sunday
This Easter Jon had to work from 7:00 A.M. to 4:00. P.M. Also, we have church at 9:00. So, we planned on doing the egg hunt after Jon got off work. But, that was way to hard on the kids. So while they were having their Sunday afternoon rest. I called Jon to see if he could take a quick break and come home for the hunt. He was able to.
Here they are discovering their “Easter Buckets” and a note from the Easter Bunny.
Here they are discovering their “Easter Buckets” and a note from the Easter Bunny.
April 15th: Riley turned 11!
We had a little family party/gift opening before Riley's friends showed up for her Birthday Party/Late over. She scored as always! She even got a new green BMX bike.
I found this on a clearance rack in Wal-Mart. I got it as a joke but, I think Riley really loves it! The pants say, "The future Mrs. Justin Bieber".
Nothing better then pizza and soda!
April 9th: Hailey Gets Baptized!
It was great to be there with so much family! She is one special gal!
Penny was so good to teach the kids a new game. Mine talk about it all of the time.
Sitting around just visiting.

Some of the boys started a dog pile on Grandpa Hendrickson. Preston is so lucky to have so many boy cousins around his age. They will be able to play lots of sports together at family functions as they grow up.

Some of the boys started a dog pile on Grandpa Hendrickson. Preston is so lucky to have so many boy cousins around his age. They will be able to play lots of sports together at family functions as they grow up.
April 8th Girls Night Out in SLC
Every time I go back up north I always want to go on a girls night out with my old neighbor friends. We did this one in honor of Rebecca. She is having her first baby boy the end of May. It was a great time as always with these girls. I am always laughing with them!
P.S. I am huge! Check out the nose on me... geesh!
Some of them also spoiled me with gifts. Sarah made me a beautiful car seat cover. Three of the girls gave me a little box full of things. Some of them are displayed below. Two of them are self explanatory. The "future sister wife" one is because some of us watch the show sister wives and my grandpa was a plig. Also, Jon and I sorta joke around that I have a sister wife in heaven. It's all in good fun. Please no one get offended.
P.S. I am huge! Check out the nose on me... geesh!
in shot: myself, Cami, Jamie, Tammy, Rebecca, and Sarah.
Monday, April 4, 2011
B.B.Q at the Mikkelson's
Pyper and I went down to Southern Utah to see family, go to the Mikkelson's B.B.Q. and see old friends. (Jon had the day off, the older kids were in school and then doing BMX racing. So they stayed behind) The weather was so nice! It was in the 80's the two days we were down there. I needed the sun so badly. I enjoyed sitting in my parents back yard enjoying it all with my family. It was nice to have a girls night out with Patsi and Pam. I am so lucky to have so much great family. I'm spoiled really!
Jeff, Jonie, Richard & kids
Starr with her cute boys.
The guys shooting the breeze.
The Mikkelson's had many birthdays to celebrate. After the candles were blown out I heard everyone laughing. I looked to see what was going on and Pyper was helping herself to the cake. Yup! That's my girl!
Matt & Jeff with their dogs.
March 27th - A fun Sunday
I know you all think you have the cutest kids in the world, but come on! Look at these three good lookin kids!
Just before church on the front porch of our "new" house.
Jon's sister and her family were on their way back from St.George and made a stop to see us. They have 3 beautiful little girls. Here are all of the kids on the top bunk. We loved the visit!
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