Santa, Jon & I did a great job this year. Not a sad kid here Christmas morning. They kids slept in until 7:00. I listened to them upstairs. I loved hearing them all come down the stairs together whispering. Then there was the sweetest little voice saying, "Wake up, it's Christmas morning!" Preston and Riley say they did not prep her for it, that Pyper said it on her own. I was so excited for Christmas this year. I remember waking up at 4:00 A.M. and making myself hurry back to sleep so the morning would come faster.

Pyper opened her pink
legos first. Then she was done. All she wanted to do was play with that while everyone else opened up their gifts. I love her sleepy eyes!

I have to say that this has probably been my favorite Christmas thus far. I
usually host a Christmas brunch with the Palmer side of the family. This year being aware of my hard pregnancy, my sister-in-law Alicia offered to host. It was a load off. I was smart this time with my pregnancy and did not over plan my life. I took it easy! Because of this I was able to slow down and enjoy life more (when I wasn't throwing up).
(Below we played the dice candy bar game. It was a blast!)

I'm not sure who started this one. Jon and Alicia are true brother and sister. They love to tease each other. Jon wants to make sure Alicia knows he is still her big brother or something.

Troy's family was out of town. So, the
grandkids that were there posed for a quick picture.

After we were done at Alicia's house, the kids and I headed down to
Toquerville for a short trip to avoid any bad weather driving. (Jon had to stay because of work) We had a good time down with the
Hendricksons. The
grandkids played a ton together. We got some good games in. Even got a high off of the after Christmas shopping I did with the
Hendrickson gals. We hit the Washington City Rec Center Pool.
Pyper wanted to just move in there. We had a great breakfast and lunch at my moms before heading back home. I'm mad at myself for not taking any pictures while down in Southern Utah.