Preston came down with these horrible hives. Thanks goodness they only lasted 2 days. We can't figure out what caused them. The Dr. told us we could give him an oatmeal bath or a baking soda bath. On the way out to the car Preston asked me if he could have a melted chocolate bath. Poor kid!

Pyper got and ear infection and then a couple of days later Riley came down with strep throat. Thank goodness Pyper was already on antibiotics because she has a hard time not being with Riley. Here is Riley on the day her class was to have their Valentine's party. She was bummed she had to miss it. Pyper climbed up on the bed and had to snuggle next to her.
Pyper got and ear infection and then a couple of days later Riley came down with strep throat. Thank goodness Pyper was already on antibiotics because she has a hard time not being with Riley. Here is Riley on the day her class was to have their Valentine's party. She was bummed she had to miss it. Pyper climbed up on the bed and had to snuggle next to her.
Bummer that Riley missed her Valentine party, so did Claire since she was also sick. Weird things going around all at once.Get better cuties!
OH MY GOSH. That rash looks so bad, the poor thing. I've never heard of a baking soda bath, did it work?
Pyper is such a big girl now, she's adorable mar!
God bless anyone with rashes. It's so much to bear.
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