Monday, November 15, 2010
Sept 19th THE FIRE!
We were at the church this day until about 3:30. When we were driving home we saw smoke from the mountain we live up against. It was quite a ways away, and we decided not to worry too much.
I got the kids to Grandma Mosers. Jon stayed behind to load our R.V. and the ATV along with other items. As I watched the news and neighbors posted pictures and described what they were seeing I started to get so scared. It was 12:00 AM. Jon along with other men on our street were staying behind to watch the show. I called him and begged him to get over to his moms. He said he was on the way that they would not let him go back into the house anymore. When he arrived we talked about how he knew we would not have our house the next morning. The wind was blowing so badly, they could not control the fire. I was thinking about all of the things I should have grabbed. I was also so sick and tired from being pregnant. I did not sleep a wink that night.
I could not wait for the morning to come. At 7:30 A.M. on Sept 20th, the news did a live broadcast of the view from the helicopter. This is what I saw:
The fire had gone right to our back yard, but our house was still there. We were evacuated for a total of 3 days before they let us back home. It was a very long 3 days for me.
Reasons why our house did not burn: The wind changed at 3:00 AM. The guy below drove a bulldozer and made a fire break just behind all of our homes as firefighters sprayed him down with a hose. The fire fighters did an awesome job fighting the fire. Lots of prayers.
We turned on the TV and saw the picture below. Jon told me not to worry, it probably would not get too close to us. So, we deiced to go on to Sandy where there was a family dinner being held. I spoke with our next door neighbor and said if it got closer to give us a call. At about 8:00 PM she called and said it's getting pretty bad. We headed home and could not believe what we were seeing from the freeway as we drove home. It was like a lava flow of flames down our mountain.

(Below is a picture taken from the bottom of our street)

(Our house is almost the last toward the bottom of the picture. You can see the sport court behind our house)

Sept 4th Hendrickson Family Pictures. (Notice the green hill in the background)
These pictures were taken just 2 weeks before the Herriman Fire. This was taken at my next door neighbor’s back yard.
That's Right! Palmer #4 is on the way.
Talk about unexpected! This baby is due May 4th 2011. My Dr. has told me twice it is meant to be. It took me a bit to come around but, I'm there. Just glad this is the last time I will have the flu for 5 months in a row. My poor family for having to put up with me! Pyper saw me throw up one time and said, "Mommy Yucky!" I agree. She did ask me if I were okay another time and patted my back. 
First part of September -Fun with Alanna
When I can't find Pyper and she does not answer when I call for her, I know she is in Riley's room. This day Alanna came over to play and I found them in Riley's make up. So funny! I love the color of lip stick Alanna chose.
At the Herriman Beach. These girls look so much alike and love one another - So Sweet!
Getting some sun! Paul, Pyper and Alanna.
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