Riley turned 9 on the 15th. Her mom in heaven called her “tax baby.” She loves to read now and even gets in trouble because she can’t put her book down and go to bed on time. What a change since the beginning of the school year. She received lots of wonderful gifts on her birthday and had a great Pizza/Movie/Piñata birthday party with her friends on Friday night. She is a wonderful daughter and a fabulous older sister. Last Sunday Preston was wondering how God and Jesus knew what family to put us with when we came down to Earth. We discussed it with Grandpa Moser and came up with what we think is the answer, that we choose some of the members of our family. Preston said he chose his mom because he wanted Riley as he older sister. Though Preston and Riley fight every once in a while, they love and play together so well! I think Preston is probably right.

Grandma Patsi was up helping Holly and Don with their new daughter Zoey, so she got to stop in and wish Riley a happy birthday in person.

Here the party girls are lined up to take a shot at the awesome shoe pinata.

It was so funny watching them hit it!

Pizza is always good!