Monday, April 20, 2009

Riley is 9 Years old! How did this happen!?

Riley turned 9 on the 15th. Her mom in heaven called her “tax baby.” She loves to read now and even gets in trouble because she can’t put her book down and go to bed on time. What a change since the beginning of the school year. She received lots of wonderful gifts on her birthday and had a great Pizza/Movie/Piñata birthday party with her friends on Friday night. She is a wonderful daughter and a fabulous older sister. Last Sunday Preston was wondering how God and Jesus knew what family to put us with when we came down to Earth. We discussed it with Grandpa Moser and came up with what we think is the answer, that we choose some of the members of our family. Preston said he chose his mom because he wanted Riley as he older sister. Though Preston and Riley fight every once in a while, they love and play together so well! I think Preston is probably right.
Grandma Patsi was up helping Holly and Don with their new daughter Zoey, so she got to stop in and wish Riley a happy birthday in person.

Here the party girls are lined up to take a shot at the awesome shoe pinata.

It was so funny watching them hit it!

Pizza is always good!

Pyper on her 9 month Birthday

Pyper is 9 month old in this picture. She is the happiest baby I have ever met. Jon says that Riley and Preston were just the same. I think we should have a bunch more just like them, but Jon says we are done. We shall see.

This picture was just taken today. This is one of Pyper's new smiles. If you did not know better you would think she is growling. She also head bangs with one finger out to music. I will have to get it on video for you.

Preston in time out

Preston was put in time out on the bottom step. Pyper crawled over and up the step and just stayed with him until his 5 minutes were up.

Riley, our soft ball player!

Riley is playing soft ball for the first time this year. Here are pictures from her first game. The first time she was up to hit she hit 2 fouls and a strike and she was out. The second time she was up to hit, she did it! She was able to get all the way around to third base before her team had 3 outs. We were so excited and proud of her! Later on she told me, “Mom, I just told myself, I can do this, I can do this! And I did it!”
Riley in the cage waiting to hit.

Riley on 3rd base.

She also got to be the catcher for her team.

The conference tent

Preston and Riley usually make a tent to watch conference from. This last time they had to have Pyper in there with them. She loved it as much at they did. They rough house her all of the time and she loves it! Jon walked in on Preston and Riley, with the camo tent flat and Pyper in the middle and each kid holding on to two corners throwing Pyper up in the air. They put her in laundry baskets and push her around. I’ve walked in on Riley tossing her on the couch, and Preston putting her on things and in things and dragging her all around the house. Some times he just grabs her feet and drags her. She loves it all and it scares me to death!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Welcome Baby Kesra

My baby sister Emily just had her first baby. Her name is Kesra Elizabeth. She was born on Monday, March 30th. The first picture was taken very late on Saturday night.

The Coonrads come to Utah

My oldest sister Sarah’s family came down from Washington to visit. On their way to St.George they stopped at our house for the night. The kids had a blast together. They made a big fort down stairs. I went down to check on them and Dillion was making static electricity with the blanket that was covering the top of the fort. The kids were enthralled. They all slept down there the whole night.

Pyper and I went down to St.George for a couple of days. The two older kids had school and soft ball. Jon was a sweetheart and stayed behind to take care of them. I missed the three of them! I kept wishing they were there at the pool and Zion.
Uncle Darron held Pyper for her fist time in a pool. She loved it!

My brother Nathan looked a lot like Dillon when he was his age.
My sister in law Shiloh was laughing so hard at Shane's funny face. Shane has a crush on her just like all of the other boys in our family.
A bunch of us went to Zion Ntl. Park. See the slide show at the bottom of this post.