I joined the mobs of people (99% women) going to see the Twilight movie last night, or should I say this morning? I met the girls at Red Robin a little after 10:00 p.m. The excitement in the air was so fun! We headed over to the movie after dinner or should I say late night snack? The movie started at midnight. Everyone cheered, laughed, and screamed out as they watched the show. It was so fun. For me, the movie was okay. I would give it 3 stars. The people are what made it a great experience! As I left I ran into an old friend of mine that I had not seen in about 10 years. It was so great to see
Joy in her hooker shoes and all! I got home around 2:30. It took me forever to wind down from all the excitement. I think I finally fell to sleep around 4:00, just in time for Pyper to wake up to eat. Then it was up at 7:00 to get going for the day. You would think I would be taking a nap instead of blogging, but I can’t sleep because of the noise of the work being done in our basement.
I took Pyper in for her 4 month appointment this morning. She is in the 50th Percentile for everything but her head is in the 25th. On top of those mean shots we found out she has and ear infection. She has had a cold too. She’s a happy baby even with the yucky sicknesses.